Saturday, August 29, 2009

He Knows Me

Last night I had the chance to go to the Denver LDS Temple with friends from Longmont. It has been a while since I have been to the temple, ( knee surgery etc...but I will save that saga for another day) It was the most amazing feeling I have had in a long time. It also reminded me that although I am just one random woman, the heavens are uniquely aware of me, my concerns, my frustrations, my battles and my victories.

It is easy for us to get wrapped up in the day to day living. Bills to pay, kids to shuttle from school to practice, how to handle this new event with an elderly parent, Coke or Pepsi, Chipotle or Qdoba, you! But in our busy-ness we often forget who we are. I am not talking about the strange phenomena I call "Walzheimers" that happens to me when I go to Super Walmart and for the life of me can never remember where I parked...I am talking about how we forget that we are daughters of God, and that he loves us, knows us and wants more than anything for us to be successful, happy and productive.

The adversary wants nothing more than the women of the earth to be distracted, depressed, and dumb.

So distracted by the details of day to day living, that we forget the important things, like our families, our personal worship time and and our time to improve ourselves.

He wants us depressed. He wants us to think of everything we don't have, the BMW in the garage, the perfect husband, the loaded bank account, the villa in Switzerland, and maybe more importantly, for some of us, just the basics. The job, enough money to keep the lights on and food on the table, and someone to love us. He wants us to be miserable.

He wants us dumb. He wants us to forget the divine nature of a woman, he wants us to blur our values. He would have us think that raising children is something trained monkeys could do, and that it takes no specific gifts, talents or abilities. He wants us to think that things that matter, really don't. He wants us to think that we need to be men to be worth anything.

Today, here is to all of us random women. We are random, different, amazing, and can accomplish anything we want when we put our minds to it. Today let all of us random women make a pact to remind each other how beautiful, dynamic, talented, clever, and awesome we are. Let's make a pact to tell the adversary where to get off.
There is no room in a daughter of God's life for us to distracted, depressed or dumb.
Let us gather together and reach out a hand to our sister who is struggling, pull her up, wrap our arms around her and help her back to seeing who she is.

I can think of nothing more satisfying than annoying the adversary by our good works. I think of the legions of women on the other side of the veil who have passed before us who rally to cheer us on. I see them grabbing their guardian angel laptop computers ( which work at lightning speed and never lose information) and showing cool PowerPoint presentations at their weekly angel meetings on how we are thwarting the efforts of Satan to drag us down. I see angel "high fives" when we succeed, and I feel the prayers of strength and support for when we falter, that we may be strong again.

Rock on random woman...... and never, never forget how truly awesome you are!

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